An Early Springtime In Frankfort: HB 188 Advances in Kentucky Senate

KYEstate$ has previously reported on HB 188. In an important development in Frankfort on March 4, HB 188 was reported favorably by the Kentucky Senate’s Judiciary Committee. The bill has been placed on the Senate’s consent calendar, and prospects for its passage look reasonably positive. The bill’s status report is here.
Representative Tom Kerr was instrumental in presenting HB 188 to the Judiciary Committee and arranging for the bill’s smooth progress through the hearing. Walter Morris of Lexington and Turney Berry of Louisville testified with Rep. Kerr in support of the bill. There was lively questioning from Sen. Carroll Gibson and others on the Committee.
Senator Tom Jensen conducted a collegial, professional, and efficient hearing.
The “Quote of the Day” Award from the hearing, however, goes to Senator Ray Jones, who cast his vote in the roll call that unanimously approved HB 188 as follows: “For all the fertile octogenarians out there, I vote Yes!”
When a good piece of legislation not only secures committee approval, but does so with humor and enthusiasm, it’s an excellent day for Kentucky’s T&E Community.
[On an unrelated note….Today, through the Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog, I found a remarkable interview from Professor William Stuntz of Harvard Law School, who spoke about his faith and his struggle with cancer. For more, you can click here.]